High Temperature Resistant Centrifugal Pump Installer
nuevos productos
  • bomba autocebante fzb
    bomba autocebante de plástico flúor fzb

    Bomba autocebante de plástico de flúor fzb, de acuerdo con las normas internacionales, las piezas de desbordamiento son de plástico de flúor, las piezas de soporte de carga están hechas de materiales metálicos, pueden equiparse con un sello externo de máquina de un solo extremo, un sello externo de máquina de ensamblaje y agua de lavado, pueden ser Personalizado.

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    bomba centrífuga de agua salada de agua salada de una sola etapa de acero inoxidable ih

    La bomba centrífuga de agua salada de agua salada de una sola etapa de acero inoxidable puede estar hecha de acero inoxidable 304.316.316l y acero de doble fase súper. Es una excelente bomba de transferencia y bomba de descarga para transportar diversas concentraciones de agua de mar, agua salada y solventes orgánicos.

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bomba centrífuga de conexión directa con revestimiento de teflón ihf-d

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How to clean the parts of corrosion-resistant centrifugal pump.
Cleaning corrosion-resistant centrifugal pump is a professional skill that every staff must master skillfully. There are two kinds of cleaning of equipment in maintenance: external cleaning of mechanical equipment and cleaning of parts and components. Different cleaning has different meanings. Parts cleaning can be divided into pre-cleaning, pre-assembly cleaning, parts cleaning and pre-welding cleaning. In the cleaning part, the cleaning standard height of cleaning and bonding parts, the cleaning quality is not high. This is usually the reason for the failure of painting or bonding. The cleaning quality and service life of the parts assembly have a great influence on the mechanical equipment.

Cleaning method.
1. Scrape off the accumulation and rust of impellers, sealing rings, bearings, etc., and then clean them with water or compressed air.
2. Clean up the oil and rust on the surface of the connector of any pump.
3. Clean up the water seal pipe and check whether the pipeline is unobstructed.
4. Clean oil bearings and bearings, clean stains, clean oil rings and oil level gauges. Ball bearings are used to clean up gasoline.
5. Parts and components that are not temporarily installed should be protected by oil after cleaning.


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